Monday, June 28, 2010

Service start for Citrix PVS Soap Service Failed (0x41d)

During PVS 5.6 configure wizard it throws the error ”Service start for Citrix PVS Soap Service Failed (0x41d)”


Make sure that you follow below two steps and reboot the PVS server .

First change

Make changes in registry hives as shown below


Download subinacl from MS site  and assign permission to following service as shown below


.NET 2.0 SP1 install throw error code is 2711 with XenConvert Install

During XenConvert install it ask for .NET 2.0 SP1 as explained in following posting. During .NET install it will throw following error “The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2711

This happen because .NET 2.0 SP1 installation got corrupted. Make sure you run repair for earlier install of .NET from "Add Remove Windows Components"  . It will ask for rolling out the earlier .NET SP1 accept it

Rerun the .NET 2.0 SP1 install and it will work

Friday, June 25, 2010

Deep dive: P2V using Xen Convert


These steps to be followed on target physical or virtual machine

1. Disable /Manual all unwanted services like :

a. Anti Virus

b. DB services

c. Monitoring services

d. H/W services like Dell open manage/HP SIM

e. Application related services

2. Enable Windows Automount on Windows Server operating systems : On Target Physical machine run diskpart


3. Disable Windows Autoplay: start > run > gpedit.msc


4. Remove any virtualization software before performing a conversion.

5. Make sure you have identified space to store P2Ved machine .

Startup P2V process:

Install the Client

1. Make sure you have enough downtime for physical machine as this process will reboot machine.

2. Make sure if .Net FRM 2.0 and above is installed or else when XenConvert tool is run then it will thrown following message


3. Accept License agreement to install the XenConvert


4. Select Next


5. Provide the location for XC install


6. Select next and proceed with installation


7. This will finish installation of XC on Target Virtual or Physical machine


Start of P2V process

1. Lunch the XC client from physical or virtual machine . This will detect the host machine and as a target select “XenServer” so that it will import directly to the XenServer.


2. Here you can select the volume which you are targeting to P2V and also reduce the free space on the selected disk. What it mean is if you want to reduce the HD size you can specify less space. Also I would suggest incase if the other drive size is bigger then use NT backup and NT restore which will be shown in Backup and restore section.


3. Here type pool master IP address. Under “workspace” you should have sufficient space to store VHD file which get created from XC. It is always advisable to store locally if you have space but incase space is not there then we have to store on CIFS.


4. This will the machine name with which it will get imported.


5. Make sure you check this option to generate log for further troubleshooting


6. After this stage it start converting the physical disk


7. Once the drive is converted then it start importing the OVF file. This process takes longer time since it connects to the XenServer to import the VHD file. This will sit at three level which shown below and give it ample time to finish.


8. If everything is fine then you will get below message


9. If the import option keeps failing then we have other way to import it.


NOTE : Only if you have tested above method and failed couple of time.

1. Download vhd2xen from

2. WINSCP to the XenServer and copy the file to /tmp and change persmission

Chmod 777 vhd2xen.i686

3. Then install it using ./ vhd2xen.i686. This will get installed under

cd /usr/lib/Acronis/VHD2XEN/

4. This is the way to execute the application

[root@blrehcxen04 VHD2XEN]# /usr/lib/Acronis/VHD2XEN/

Copyright (C) Acronis, 2000-2008.

All rights reserved.

VHD to XEN converter

Usage: /usr/lib/Acronis/VHD2XEN/ [vhd image filename]

5. Then mount the CIFS share on XenServer using following command

[root@blrehcxen04 VHD2XEN]# mkdir /mnt/shared

[root@blrehcxen04 VHD2XEN]# mount.cifs // /mnt/shared -o username=<Username>


[root@blrehcxen04 VHD2XEN]# cd /mnt/shared

[root@blrehcxen04 shared]# ls

BLREHWS01.ovf BLREHWS01.pvp BLREHWS01.vhd ovf

[root@blrehcxen04 shared]# /usr/lib/Acronis/VHD2XEN/ /mnt/shared/BLREHWS01.vhd

6. Once it executed it will follow with following message to complete

VHD to XEN converter

Select the storage repository to import VHD file to:

1. 4c61c015-2dda-4431-6c18-760fa022c8e8 - DellMD3000i-2... (local)

2. 96f15418-481f-8829-c557-7bb8359324ab - DellMD3000i-1... (local)

3. 438598af-3c75-1df8-6f5e-1a33809e4224 - Removable... (unknown)

4. c5dfe98d-887f-bce0-884e-4d67a903d485 - blrehcxen02... (local)

5. cab71f58-cf24-3753-81bb-a6e93ca046b1 - DVD... (unknown)

6. 91065302-ccb2-4c00-344e-a368ff251ddd - DellMD3000i-3... (local)

7. f3ef3fc1-8848-a147-7252-4365331b83d9 - CIFS... (unknown)

8. c15d2233-a72d-9d08-f588-fb2b7258de4d - XenServer... (unknown)

9. 5bcd7f08-1eef-9c9b-ea2a-31baf804674e - DVD... (unknown)

10. c94a80a0-1fe4-1ee8-92c6-ff8597a09734 - blrehcxen01... (local)

11. b386c81e-8809-b894-4080-ebee08e8d76f - ISO... (unknown)

12. c32b54bd-6d1c-2222-25da-0f98aeaf1be1 - Removable... (unknown)

13. e837d730-6ed5-bf77-c01f-da637d5d6152 - DVD... (unknown)

14. 5e22f942-1351-e46e-ffcf-479c6c98aa1c - blrehcxen03... (local)

15. 326bb687-5f4a-c99f-ce93-52f8ac855632 - Removable... (unknown)

16. daab79c3-3081-294b-6811-f6d605d76f65 - DellMD3000i-4... (local)

17. a97ab909-bbfe-ebfc-2763-a2f1dbcf3df9 - Local... (local)

18. cd83bf64-3d6b-38a1-1596-be2bee872986 - Removable... (unknown)

19. af2f2e50-7c39-cdf3-b76b-45ecb27207e0 - DVD... (unknown)


A VHD file must be decompressed before importing to an internal

storage. You need about 136Gb free space to save the raw

uncompressed image and write permissions in the location where

the original VHD file is stored.

Enter XEN name for imported disk:


Importing may take a long time depending on vhd size.

Conversion done, importing to XEN...

Once this import is connected then you will find drive under SR. Create a dummy VM and attach this disk to VM. Boot the VM and proceed with Post build process


1. Before you power on the VM make sure your it is disconnected from n/w as your production might be up.

2. Login to the VM using local credential and uninstall hidden driver

a. Set the path as shown below


b. Now it will show hidden driver , uninstall all of them


3. Now before you reboot make sure all theH/W related software is uninstalled


4. Now after every unwanted s/w is uninstalled then reboot the VM and continue with Xen Tool install.

Reading XenConvert log:

1. Here it start the conversion after formatting the drive


2. Here the conversion is over and start with OVF conversion


3. Here it choose the OVF file from local workspace


4. Once it start importing the OVF file and process is successful then you will get following message. Not that there is a time when there will be no update on log file as shown below


Backup and Restore Process:


1. Perform the backup of drive which was not part of P2V and run ntbackup from start -> run -> ntbackup

2. It will start in wizard mode


3. Select backup and setting as shown below


4. Select the option as you will backing up selected drive


5. Select the volume which needs to be imported. One thing should be remembered is the stop all the services other than windows service.clip_image054

6. This backup needs space to store the backup file . So select the space where there are enough space.


7. Click on finish to start the backup.


8. Sit tight and let it finish .



1. Before you start performing restore, target drive should have been created on VM . To create a new store select storage tab of VM and then select “Add”. Type the “Name” and then specify the size. Make sure you select the appropriate size. Based on storage which have free space create a new disk drive


2. Once the drive is create login to VM with local admin and password. Make sure that there is no

network connectivity to VM if the PROD physical or virtual machine is powered on. Once logged in run diskmgmt.msc from start - > run and then select the drive which has to be formatted. Once formatted we are ready with the restore. We should mount or map the shared store where the backup .bkf file is stored. We have to run ntbackup wizard again select restore


3. Browse and select the .Bkf file and then select the entire drive


4. Click on advance


5. While choosing location select alternate location as we are going to store on different drive


6. Select next and leave the option as it is


7. This is very important option or else application will not work .This must be selected.


8. Sit tight and let this restore finish. Once the restore is finished then reverse back the status of all the services which has been set to manual to Automatic. Once rebooted I bet the application will be up and running


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Update NIC driver on XenServer5.0 and 5.5

The way to update NIC driver would be straight or difficult based on what you are trying to do

First confirm the NIC model


Then check the driver version


Once these two thing are confirmed then download the latest driver from the vendor site .

Compiling the file

o Download the latest Broadcom driver from and then the XenServer DDK (this is specific to the version of XenServer you are running) from MyCitrix. Note to download the DDK you will need to login.

o After downloading the DDK ISO expand it using 7-Zip then import the appliance using XenCentre. This will import the DDK VM, all you need to do is ensure that you have a DHCP server running on the network you map the VM to.

o Expand the ZIP file downloaded from Broadcom and upload the contents using WinSCP to /root

o Logon to the XenServer console then expand the tar.gz file, for example tar -xzvf <tar file name>

o Traverse the resulting directory structure, for example cd netxtreme2-5.2.55/bnx2-2.0.8e/src

o Whilst in the src directory run make clean then make build

Copying the driver to the XenServer

o Using WinSCP copy the bnx2.ko file to your PC.

o Finally connect to each XenServer using WinSCP and switch to /lib/modules/<<<2.6xen>>>/kernel/drivers/net

o Rename the existing bnx2.ko to bnx2.ko.old

o Drag and drop the bnx2.ko file on your PC to /lib/modules/<<<2.6xen>>>/kernel/drivers/net

o From the XenServer console switch to /lib/modules/<<<2.6xen>>>/kernel/drivers/net and run chmod 0744 bnx2.ko

o Migrate any VMs to other hosts then reboot!

Once host is rebooted the version of driver will change . There are other tweaking which is suggested by blog


This process has to be repeated for all the four nic. This needs to be done on pool master. Above setting is recommended on Broadcom NIC.

Thanks to my fellow blogger and my college Raj

No Packet Drops with XenMotion

I was trying to find out if there are packets drop during the Xenmotion. Surprises there were note even single drop of packet .Within this example Xenmotion took little extra time due to setup , as management interface is running on one NIC and recommendation is to have two nic bonded with ether channeling .
NOTE : Please remember this post is not to compare any other product but to highlight Xenmotion capabilities.

XenCenter console showing all the NIC as disconnected on XenServer

XenCenter console was showing all the NIC as disconnected, though it was connected at the backend

This is because XAPI which is responsible for communicating from XenCenter to XenServer is in hung state. Restart this service from Service console . You can also try "xe-toolstack-restart"

This will correct the GUI status

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Error with XenServer: SR backend failed to complete the operation

While creating SR on Xen Server 5.5 U2 with backend storage as MD3000i , I was getting following error message


Troubleshooting steps:

1. I unchecked MP option on host and tried again it was able to see all the lun while doing lun scan


2. I then removed the host from pool and tried enabling MP and see if that worked but while scanning the lun it was still throwing same error message


3. Reconfigure all the virtual disk on MD3000i and check all the setting. Finally we found that on one controller if we change the prefer path then I am able to create SR or else it throws error


4. I had other setup with same storage as background. I moved this host into separate pool and checked the MP functionality. With this host I also copied /etc/multipath.conf file from the host which was working . I then restarted multipath /etc/init.d/multipathd restart

This worked great on different pool

5. Finally I updated multipath.conf on all the Xenhost and restarted multipath demon

6. From the controller side I have disabled IP V6 setting on one of the controller which was enabled


Finally with above two changes all the SR had MP enabled
