Friday, December 28, 2012

Shadowing across firewall

While doing shadowing across firewall by default people guess 1494/2598 but that is not the case. Shadowing is tested RPD over RDP /RDP over ICA and both have different result. 


We captured wireshark trace and found that 139 and 445 which is not responding to send sync.


Once we opened above port shadowing started working. So for shadowing to work across firewall we need to open port 139/445/1494/2598


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Integrating VOIP 1: What would be best Citrix policy for SoftPhone

I had been testing softphone for a while now and was trying to find out what would be best Citrix policies for these softphone. I will be writing couple of series with regard to softphone, hence bear with me please :) .

We have tested following softphone on Virtual Hosted Desktop (VHD) and the mostly because of Call center manager setup which most of the organization have. Most organization uses MAC based extension registration and what does it mean in terms of virtualization, say if you are using Hosted Shared Desktop (XenApp) then it won't be possible to host softphone on XA. Even it is IP based extension registration it can be managed because Windows 2008 R2 allows you to have virtual IP . This changes are very difficult for voice team hence hosting such VOIP based application on XA does not work.

Soft Phone which we have tested so far

1.    Nortel
2.    Avaya
3.    Cisco
4.    Genesys
5.    CosmoDesk

All of them worked perfectly fine with Windows 7 as well as XP . Voice quality was perfect and close to that of physical desktop. To get the result  following set of  standard  XD policies had been used


Other then these policies many other factor contribute to this voice quality and some of them are

1. End device thin client /thick client

2. Receiver version used

3. End device operating system.

4. Headset used.

5. Voice codec used.

I will discuss some of the factor in my next posting. Till then thank you