Sunday, August 5, 2012

How STA works for typical XenDesktop Deployment

This post is dedicated to my colleague who has done wonderful analysis of how STA works .Contents is not as it as because some of them are internal to Citrix.image

1. User clicks Desktop link "POOLDG-01" to request a remote desktop connection, actually is requesting an ICA file

2. WI asks XMLService for the "Address" of required VDA.

3. WI asks XMLServcie for the "LaunchRef".

4. WI asks XMLServcie for the "LogonTicket" using below XML protocol

5. WI sends request to standalone STA for another Ticket, AG uses it for session validation as well as identify the VDA

       it should proxy ICA for



6. WI now has all the information needed, then it returns back the new wrapped ICA file to client

7. wfica32.exe works on client side to parse the ICA file and connect to remote VDA thru AG:

8. AG checks with Standalone STA on the Ticket passed in to check if session is valid

9. AG uses the "ServerAddress" to connect VDA on, the LogonTicket then will be passed as a parameter LogonTicket=F41E843C8EC6F8C8055D679E545552

10. VDA asks DDCService to validate the Ticket, DDCService checks the Ticket information in IMA, redeems the Ticket, retrieved user's credential associated with Ticket

11. DDCService returns user's credential to VDA so that VDA could proceed with logon


For troubleshooting STA's issue :

1. How to Enable STA Logging on the STA Servers

2. The Status of the Secure Ticket Authority (STA) is Marked as DOWN for the Access Gateway Enterprise Edition Virtual Server

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