Friday, December 9, 2011

How to install Lotus SameTime 8.5.1 on Citrix PVS Streamed pooled desktop (VDI)

IBM Lotus Sametime is the enterprise communicator similar to OCS. It has similar feature as Microsoft OCA along with , it has ability to take screenshot and share over chat . Some of the cool feature liked by end users to  have his/her  own emotions on chat.

While installation is easy but it does not launch in PVS streamed VM's . PVS streamed VM  uses roaming profile because of pooled environment . This can only be achieved via storing user's profile data on shared storage.

IBM Sametime does not like it because it has tendency to store it locally . Below screenshot shows that  value called store it locally. This setting does not allow the sametime to launch when desktop is access via ICA session.image

To make it work , mount the roaming app data GPO by updating registry


And now make change to the file by updating the field called as shown below .


With this you would be able to launch IBM same time on streamed pooled VM.

How to Publish Google Chrome 13.0 with XenApp 6

To publish Google Chrome , we need to download standalone msi package from google


Or from following url

Install the standalone package and this will get installed under the user profile whoever is logged in. In this example Administrator is logged in hence the shown path . We need to copy Chrome.exe under 13.0.782.112 folder as shown below. Administrator folder should be given Modify permission for all the users.image

Now create googleChorme.cmd file under program folder with shown entry.image

Publish this CMD as usual using Citrix Delivery Console. image

You can launch and safely ignore the message   and use google chorm


Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to install Desktop Director and configure for MultiSite in XenDesktop 5.0

When you have multiple site running XD 5.0 Farm and Help Desk want to use single desktop director to manage both farm . We need to update desktop director with other farm controller name

To install standalone desktop director you can run DDC 5.0 ISO and choose following . Update DDC FQDN in the given format and hit test


This will finish Desktop Director  installation


Once installation done we need to open IIS management . Drill down to DesktopDirector and highlight Application setting.


This will bring all the setting related to Desktop Director . There are two setting which we need to modify in order to manage multiple site.


We need to change from 'false' to 'true'


Update here with all the controller FQDN to manage all the site.


Restart the IIS here and then browse to the page . This webpage will be different and here you wont get dashboard. Only thing can be done here is search users and then address the issue pertaining to the user. So it would be very important to decide if you like to make these changes and use it . This is with Desktop Director 1.0 . There are few changes which has been made to Desktop Director 2.0 which will allow you to manage XD 5.5 and XA 6.5 farm as well . Source is here
