Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Citrix Advisory Services in India

Citrix is a comprehensive solution that involves various infrastructure components such as Active Directory, Networking, SQL, Storage, Hypervisor, Antivirus, and Endpoint. Any changes made to these components can affect the user experience. By proactively assessing your Citrix environment, you can address underlying issues and plan for the future of your end-user computing. 

To address your requirement , we have prepared comprehensive package  

Citrix CVAD Infrastructure Assessment

Citrix Virtual Desktop Infrastructure consist of followings:
  1. Business Layer 
  2. Access Layer
  3. Resource Layer
  4. Control Layer
  5. Hardware Layer 
  6. Operation Layer 
We will conduct a thorough evaluation of each layer and provide you with a comprehensive health status report in PPT or Word format. Based on the results of this assessment, we can also assist you in implementing corrective measures.

Citrix NetScaler Assessment Service

If you decided to do just assessment for NetScaler , we can help you with that. This assessment will cover 
  1. Capacity Planning for NetScaler 
  2. Architectural Assessment – Placement of NetScaler /Cabling /Port configuration
  3. Routing 
  4. Best Practices related to service which you are running (LB/GSLB/Access Gateway /Dual Factor settings) 
We will conduct a thorough evaluation and provide you with a comprehensive health status report in PPT or Word format. Based on the results of this assessment, we can also assist you in implementing corrective measures.

About Me : I am an ex - Citrite with 23 years of experience and more detail can be found here . If you think I am worth and would like to check further details, you can contact via my gmail ID or via LinkedIn profile


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